Written ‘Nods

Below are ‘Nods to priests who have made a favorable impression in someone’s life. It’s important to let our priests know they are appreciated, respected, and supported.

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All Written ‘Nods

Father Lachlan

A ‘Nod to the Collar for Father Lachlan, who without any prompting, heard our daughter had a premature baby and visited her and the newborn in the hospital’s neonatal unit that evening! And then one month later presided over a private baptism. We’ll never forget that!


Father James Donovan

I’m 30 years old and grew up in the Catholic Church. I always saw it as a chore or something that took my time away on a Sunday where I could be watching cartoons in my pjs. When I grew up and left the nest, I left my Sunday “chores” behind. The wind took my wings to the city I always longed to live in and not glance at from across the bay. New York. My timing couldn’t have been worse for striking out on my own. A global pandemic hit the world and I was trapped inside a bricked room with my Netflix, cat, and laptop. I moved back home to my family’s house in Garden City, Long Island. My first weekend home, a familiar vibe permeated the house. My Dad peeked his head into my room and just like when I was a kid he asked, “you almost ready for mass?”. With a smile on my face I nodded and removed my Harry Styles sweatshirt and replaced it with a button down and jeans. Father James captivated me from the moment I sat in our unspoken designated family pew. His lively and welcoming charisma engulfed me back into reminiscence of the faith and inspiration I hadn’t realized I lost when my attendance dropped. When leaving, my parents greeted Father James like a family friend. His eyes shifted to me and with sincerity he shook my hand and said, “ I haven’t seen you here before”. Some shame made me shift my weight and say, “yes I just moved back home”. As if to comfort me and absolve me of my guilt, he kept my hand in his and began asking me about my life. The guilt faded and I was surprised to have a casual conversation with a Priest who was so obviously invested in my faith that all my anxiety had seemed to dissolve. The way he made me feel so at peace and comfortable was a connection I felt blessed to have. I didn’t want to lose it. That was two and a half years ago. I attend mass every Sunday as well as Sacraments and am still living with my parents. The difference now is it’s me peeking my head into my parents room every Sunday asking them if they’re ready for mass. That is all thanks to the attention, inclusivity and genuineness of Father James welcoming me back.


Father Joseph Napolitano 

Father Joe married me and my husband.  I was a nervous 24 year old who grew up attending church but was always intimidated by Priests.  My parents insisted we be married in our family parish. St. Mary Magdalene Church in Oakville Ct, the town where I grew up. Back then there was a whole process of things needed to be done before we could be married in God’s house. One of those conditions was spending, what I remember, was a lot of one on two time with Father Joe. My husband and I were met with challenging questions and conversations we hadn’t even considered. Father Joe metaphorically held our hands throughout the entire process. He never came at us with fire and brimstone but rather guidance toward  a love that should be filled with God.  My wedding was one of the best days of my life because I had a Priest who took the time to prepare us for what this union truly means. It has been many years filled with miracles like my two children, who have met and spent time with Father Joe completing their religious education and confirmations under his parish.  Deaths of my parents where I was confused and frustrated with my faith, and father Joe acknowledged my anger and helped me through. Although he is now retired, Father Joe has been and will continue to be a spiritual director and constructor of our lives. Whether or not he realizes, my life, my family and my marriage are better because of him. 


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