Frequently Asked Questions
Have a question about ‘Nod to the Collar that’s not answered below? Please reach out and send us an email. We’d love to hear from you!
How do I submit a 'Nod?
Navigate to the Submissions page and scroll down to select from the three types of ‘Nods: Create A Video or Audio ‘Nod, Submit a Written ‘Nod or Submit Original Artwork. Follow the prompts for the type of ‘Nod you’ve chosen to submit.
Do the priests see the 'Nod?
Yes. The priest will receive a notification from us after a ‘Nod is submitted, accepted, and posted.
Can I revise my 'Nod after it’s submitted?
Yes. Just repeat the process and follow the user-friendly instructions.
Are the 'Nods screened before being posted?
Yes. Each and every ‘Nod is screened. This is a site that accentuates the positive and good. Nothing negative will be accepted by our content team.
How do I contact someone from 'Nod to the Collar?
At the top of this page is a Send Us an Email button.
Can I look up a specific priest?
As soon as we receive a certain number of ‘Nods, you’ll be able to search for priests by name, church, and diocese.
How do I get my parish involved?
Our intention is to lean on the Holy Spirit through word-of-mouth. There is no current marketing plan beyond offering parishes the opportunity to run our ‘Nod insert in their online and print bulletins.
How long will it take for my 'Nods to be posted?
Once we expand beyond our “soft launch” our goal is 48 hours.
Can I share my 'Nods on social media?
Yes. Feel free to post a link to your ‘Nod on any social media platform.
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Share 'Nod To The Collar
Want to share 'Nod to The Collar with your parish? Download the bulletin insert below.
Contact Us
We'd love to hear from you! Please send us an email and we'll get back to you.