Father Pius Sammut

Thank you father Pius for helping me to return back to the faith I had abandoned. You saved my life and that of my family through your patient guidance. Joe

Msgr. Joseph DeGrocco

Too often we forget to pray for and acknowledge our pastors. Msgr Joe not only gives homilies which are clear and concise but they educate us on the real beliefs of our faith )pulling no punches). He does all this while still having to deal with the bills, the many...

Father Liam McDonald

As a Chaplain of my Pro- Life Org, he always has the words to lead us to good decisions, as we help women in crisis pregnancies. He is also Pastor of St. Therese Lisieux R.C. Church, in beautiful Montauk Pt. His Parishioners are so lucky to hear his spiritually...

Father Gregory West

Recently moved south. Father West is a highly intellectual Priest and Pastor, deeply rooted and so committed to his Catholic faith. What Father West has helped to build through the gift of the Holy Spirit at St Clare of Assisi it so spiritually inspiring, it would...
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